By Alice Linahan | 02.13.2024
s Christians we are called to propose our faith NOT impose our faith. Let me give you an excerpt from this article, then I will explain.He brings up a recent conversation wherein a prominent political consultant pleaded with him to ease up on a stray West Texas lawmaker. “He told me, ‘People need to have the courage to vote for what’s not in their own people’s interest, but for the state’s greater good.’ Well, whose interest is that, who defines ‘greater good’? Should it be a billionaire in Midland-Odessa and couple of people who run his organization?” he asks, with an intentionally unsubtle reference to Tim Dunn, Michael Quinn Sullivan and Empower Texans.
“They define greater good, and everyone else can go to hell? I don’t think so.” There’s no slack in his rope now. He analogizes his antipathy for how Texas Republican primaries have recently played in rural regions. “It’s like the money gospel preachers who convince an elderly populace that in order to get saved and get blessings, they need to dip into their savings and give it to them, while these preachers live lavish lifestyles,” he says.
“Elderly people and those less savvy get these dishonest mailers, and it’s an attempt to make them believe that if they don’t vote for the group’s candidate, they’re responsible for deaths of babies, communist takeovers and open borders.”
Now, let me explain. In the last few years, I have become the black sheep in the Texas Conservative Grassroots/Tea Party movement. A movement I was very much a part of, as I described myself back then; I was a Conservative Republican Mom and proud of it. I helped to raise funding and produce videos for the Speaker Showdown in 2010 and again in 2012 and for the Oust Strust Pledge Card. Along with founder of Women On the Wall, Rebecca Forest, we hosted the Speaker Showdown to “Oust Straus”. I was a staunch Conservative fighting against the evils of Speaker of the House Joe Straus. Our goal was to get “Conservative Republicans” elected.
And Then…
I started to ask questions about what I saw happening in our public schools. I had kids in those schools. CSCOPE came into my own children’s small school district and I knew the truth. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, then a Senator and Chairman of the Education Committee was lying to the public. He never got rid of CSCOPE like he claimed. He actually allowed it to be rebranded into TEKS Resource Services. He cut a deal.
CSCOPE was the curriculum management system which was the pilot program for the Common Core/College and Career Readiness behavioral standards that are now mandated by both State and Federal law. That opened the door for the shift in our education standards away from reading, writing, math and history to attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors.
Fast forward to 2024. I now clearly understand why I had to be marginalized and hopefully silenced. I knew then something was not right. So I went on a crusade to find the truth and to help others “SEE” it. The Trojan horse was “School Choice”. In my research for truth I came across people like Phyllis Schlafly, Charlotte Iserbyt, Diana Anderson and others who clearly understood the threats we face in America through the Education Reform movement. They clearly understood the threat of the Globalist partnered with the UN. And, they clearly understood the National Security threats of giving up our National sovereignty through open borders and as Obama describes “Connect ALL School”. They were also warning about what was coming. Did you know that the Obama’s were all for “School Choice” just like Jeb Bush’s ExcelinEd yellow scarves School Choice movement. Obama just called it National Charter School Week.
Did You Know…
In a historic speech in Cairo, Egypt in June 2009, then President Obama expressed his desire to “create a new online network, so a young person in Kansas can communicate instantly with a young person in Cairo.” Since then, the Secretary of State and Secretary of Education have both emphasized the importance of learning other languages, gaining a global competency and traveling to other countries. A number of organizations linking US schools with others around the world are coming together in a new “Connect All Schools” consortium to meet a very specific goal: to connect every school in the US with the world by 2016. HAVE THEY SUCCEEDED?
So what are Texas Republicans forcing through funding from Billionaires Tim Dunn and Wilkes? Follow the money and follow the End Game.
The end game is the same. A loss of parental rights and true local control. Along with the collection of private student data that will be used for online adaptive assessments and instruction to modify the attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors of American students by third-party public/private partnerships, who will then profit from the unethically and illegally obtained student data.
As I have written about here , here and here TPPF is not a “Conservative” Think Tank. They are fully implementing the Obama, Clinton, and Bush “Transformation of America”. I have written about Betsy Devos’ American Federation of the Children here and here. School Choice is their access point to ALL students, traditional public, charter public, private and homeschool students. In Texas the face of the School Choice movement for Betsy Devos is Cory DeAngelis. I highly encourage readers to read this article as well to learn more about their ties to the United Nation’s UNESCO Connecting Dots on UNESCO, School Choice, Betsy DeVos, Corey DeAngelis and ESA’s.
Quoted from the article ‘The Billionaire Bully Who Wants to Turn Texas Into a Christian Theocracy’
“The fight over school vouchers became perhaps the most contentious policy issue during the 2023 legislative session, a key reason why Abbott called four special sessions. Dunn recently said he is “basically uninvolved” in the effort to pass voucher legislation, but he’s underplaying his influence. He gave $37,500 to the Texas Federation for Children PAC, a leading proponent of vouchers. Advocates from the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the America First Policy Institute, organizations for which Dunn has served as a board member, testified last year in favor of voucher bills, as did Matt Rinaldi, whom Dunn backed as a state house candidate and leader of the Texas GOP.
What’s more, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, the Dunn-affiliated lawmaker scorecard, has consistently given high marks for votes that allow use of public money to help pay private school tuition. (These grades are not just given after the fact; a lawsuit turned up extensive evidence that longtime Dunn ally Michael Quinn Sullivan communicated to lawmakers before the votes how each would be scored, arguably telling them how to vote if they wished to avoid a well-funded backlash when the score came out.)”
So on the right side of the political isle you have the Dunn’s, Wilks, Bush clan and Betsey Devos pushing “School Choice’ through public/private partnerships. On the left you have the Clintons, Obamas, and others pushing the same end game.
Whether it is the Bush Clan/Betsy Devos and Obama with their “Connect All Schools”, “Learner in a Networked World” plans or Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath and his philanthropic advisor Stacy Hock and Laura and John Arnold (major Planned Parenthood donors) through their Evidence-Based Online Digital Learning/Predictive Analytics plans through Artifical Intelligence (AI), they are two sides of the same coin.
All these people, (whether they know it or not), are leading America and our children to the same end game. In this new age of Artificial Intelligence, (AI) is being used to turn our children’s minds into a new form of capital, via predictive analytics technology. Predictive analytics uses mined education data to create software programs that have the ability to predict and modify the behaviors of ALL students. Students, who are the next generation of Americans, are now seen as an investment vehicle, a product, to be managed via Total Quality Management (TQM) for a globally controlled workforce, in a globally controlled economy.
It is a National Security Threat…
As our borders become more and more porous and our schools use learning theories and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) mandated by law and social systems become government subsidized through ‘School Choice” anyone with an agenda has access to our communities and our children.

Case in point. International Leadership of Texas (ILTexas) a public charter school serving more than 23,000 K-12 students at 22 physical campuses in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Cleveland, and College Station and COLONY RIDGE areas. ILTexas was founded by Mr. Eddie Conger, and the charter was approved by the Texas Education Agency in November, 2012. ILTexas became the largest first year charter in the state of Texas. Many Republicans have joined the Obama bandwagon in promoting public charter schools.

In 2014 ILTexas was approved to admit foreign exchange students brought over on F-1 visas and students began living on campus. (Funded with your tax dollars).
In 2015 after only two years in operation ILTexas was granted approval to expand and serve over 12,000 students.
In August 2015 ILTexas floated the largest non-rated junk bonds in Texas history of $111,000.00 building 4 new campus.
In 2016 IL Texas was designated a Department of State exchange visitor program allowing the issuance of J-1 visas for foreign language instructors.
In 2017 IL Texas expansion was granted to serve 49,000 students in north, south, and central Texas.
From the IL Texas website: “ILTexas is a free public charter school that includes English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese as standard curriculum. Language instruction is taught by native language teachers made possible through sister school relationships in China and partnerships at the state and national level. Because of this relationship, ILTexas proudly teaches and celebrates Chinese tradition and culture.”
All of this sounds so great – Right?
The reality is your children are no longer that boy from Texas who played baseball and was a Boy Scout. They are no longer a proud Texan, an American, who lives in a global economy. They are now a global citizen who happens to live in America. Not an Individual and Not an AMERICAN.
Nationalism is destroyed. Globalism is in place.
In 2023 ILTexas charter school announced two new public charter school campuses in the Colony Ridge communities. You may have heard about Colony Ridge. The Colony Ridge community has become a haven for illegals’. “Colony Ridge” in English and “Terrenos Houston” in Spanish, is promoted in Spanish-language advertising as “the perfect solution for you to become the owner of your own land in the United States.”
Do we know who the illegal aliens are who are crossing the border and setting up in communities across America? Do we know who is running these public/private charter schools and who the instructors are? Actually, I have written about it here and it is a National Security threat. Now that our schools are mandated to teach attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors-whose values, beliefs and BEHAVIORS will be allowed in our borders?
Barack Obama and Jeb Bush’s ‘Equity in Education Plan‘ for our entire country:

- Charter schools replace public schools:
- Everyone has federal Title I choice funds to go to any school (charter, private or religious schools):
- Every child is taught the same standards:
- Every teacher must teach the same standards:
- Every test must be aligned to these standards:
- Curriculum and software are aligned to standards:
- Everything listed here is aligned to government data collection compliance
The vision to “fundamentally transform” education laid out the pathway to Globalization is through “School Choice.”
With “choice” comes accountability through rules and regulations by unelected bureaucrats. Basically, Predictive Analytics is using mined education data to create software programs that have the ability to predict and modify the behaviors of students across America.
As stated by Yuval Harari:
“Now the question that arises today is what will happen once we create an algorithm that knows me better, that understands me and my feelings better than I can understand myself? What will happen then is that authority will shift. It will shift away from the feelings of individuals to these outside algorithms.”