
The popular concept of “Choice” in education via means of federal tax dollars will eliminate all choice as private, parochial, and home schools are quietly merged with the public system to form a national school system complete with “national” curriculum implemented through Online Digital Learning.
29 May 2024

DeVos / DeAngelis In Bed with UNESCO

The popular concept of “Choice” in education via means of federal tax dollars will eliminate all choice as private, parochial,…

Texas Legislature, through House Bill 3643, in the fall of 2021 set up the Texas Commission on Virtual Education. The charge of the Commission was to develop and make recommendations by the end of the 2022 calendar year regarding the delivery of virtual education in the public school system and the provision of state funding for virtual education under the Foundation School Program.
06 Dec 2022

Virtual Learning, A National Security Threat

Texas Legislature, through House Bill 3643, in the fall of 2021 set up the Texas Commission on Virtual Education. The…

Do not be deceived by what happened yesterday at the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 11. The SBOE voted down 4 of the 5 publishers' Instructional Materials (IMs) as proposed. The publishers now have until 5:00 pm on Wednesday to fix the concerns with content and submit the updates. Then, the SBOE will vote again on Friday which publishers' IMs will be on the approved SBOE Health IM list.
17 Nov 2021

Sex Ed Is Out

Do not be deceived by what happened yesterday at the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting on Tuesday, Nov.…

Have you heard the term “Replication” within the charter school movement? If not, you better learn about it. The goal, at both the state and national level, is to bring charter schools within the traditional Independent School Districts (ISD)s and through public-private partnerships, outside of the ISD model. America, this is very dangerous.
13 Aug 2020

Texas, We Have a Nat’l Security Issue In Our Schools

Have you heard the term “Replication” within the charter school movement? If not, you better learn about it. The goal,…


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Voices Empower, founded by Alice Linahan, a politically-active Texas mom, works tirelessly in the trenches of the grassroots movement to break the reliance on mainstream media for news and information, fostering a more informed and engaged community.

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Voices Empower is on track to re-define the meaning of “boots on the ground.” Specifically, by implementing a communication team strategy that gives activists the tools to “ENGAGE” and change hearts and minds vs. just a CLICK “LIKE” mentality on social media.

Stand Up For The Truth

Voices Empower is revolutionizing grassroots activism by equipping communication teams with strategies that drive meaningful interaction and foster real-world impact, transforming online engagement into on-the-ground action.
