
The vision to “fundamentally transform” education clearly laid out the pathway to Globalization is through “School Choice” because with “choice” comes accountability through rules and regulations and accreditation.
04 Aug 2017

Jeremy Newman Just Doesn’t Know

The vision to “fundamentally transform” education clearly laid out the pathway to Globalization is through “School Choice” because with “choice” comes accountability…

To Congress: Vote No on ESEA reauthorization. I did not give parental consent for the federal or state government to collect my children's personal data to be used for workforce development from Preschool through the Workforce in your P20W scheme! @AliceLinahan
14 Jul 2015

ECAA Is a Horrific Senate NCLB Rewrite Bill

To Congress: Vote No on ESEA reauthorization. I did not give parental consent for the federal or state government to…


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Voices Empower, founded by Alice Linahan, a politically-active Texas mom, works tirelessly in the trenches of the grassroots movement to break the reliance on mainstream media for news and information, fostering a more informed and engaged community.

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Voices Empower is on track to re-define the meaning of “boots on the ground.” Specifically, by implementing a communication team strategy that gives activists the tools to “ENGAGE” and change hearts and minds vs. just a CLICK “LIKE” mentality on social media.

Stand Up For The Truth

Voices Empower is revolutionizing grassroots activism by equipping communication teams with strategies that drive meaningful interaction and foster real-world impact, transforming online engagement into on-the-ground action.
