By Alice Linahan | 01.16.2015
ovements on the ground show the “Fundamental Transformation” of education is having impact. This is what happens when you move from a classical academic curriculum based on an education of opportunity – Reading, Writing, Math and History, to a collectivist based education of equity – Attitudes, Values and Beliefs.When you gut our public education of academics and it becomes completely about attitudes, values, and beliefs the question becomes – Whose values, attitudes and beliefs?
The Philosophy behind the Common Core Math Wars
“We first need to determine the moral, social, and political order we believe to be desirable, then set out our educational purposes, and in light of those purposes choose curriculum content and objectives”. “What Constructivism Might Be in Mathematics Education” Jeremy Kilpatrick (1987, Proceedings of PME (Psychology of Mathematics Education ) XI-Montreal)
A Texas Public School District, Garland ISD to host “Stand with the Prophet” conference, which is designed to help “lead the effort against Islamophobia”
Listen below to the Women On the Wall Communication Team conference call with Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy. It is a must to listen to this podcast in preparation for the protests of the “Stand With The Prophet Rally” at Garland ISD, Garland, Texas, this Saturday, 1.17.15. Gaffney shared the very startling information about four of the speakers who have close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and other very dangerous Islamist organizations.
After listening to Frank Gaffney’s explanations about the backgrounds of the four speakers scheduled to speak at the “Stand with the Prophet Rally,” concerned citizens are encouraged to call the Garland ISD administration office ( and ask to speak to Chris Moore, Executive Director, Division of Communications and Public Relations – 972-487-3256 or to some other GISD administrator.
WomenOnTheWall’s message to America: Events like the murders in Paris are AVOIDABLE – if we will but act and hold our elected officials accountable! Their primary duty is to secure our borders and keep us safe.
WOW produced non-interactive video can be seen below OR view the personalized INTERACTIVE version through FB at:
On the Conference Call linked above Frank Gaffney mentioned the Center For Security Policy’s Plan to combat Global Jihad. Below is a press release just out today. 1.15.2015
- Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin (U.S. Army, Ret.), former leader of U.S. Special Forces and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
- Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (U.S. Navy, Ret.), former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and father of the Navy Red Cell counterterrorist unit
- Fred Fleitz, career intelligence professional who served under William J. Casey at the Central Intelligence Agency
- Kevin Freeman, Chartered Financial Analyst and best-selling author of Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Attacked the U.S. Stock Market and Why it Can Happen Again
- Clare Lopez, former Operations Officer in the CIA’s Clandestine Service
- Jim Hanson, former Army Special Forces technical weapons sergeant
- Dr. J. Michael Waller, expert on information and psychological warfare, propaganda and influence operations
- Tommy Waller, combat Marine Force Reconnaissance reservist
- David Yerushalmi, Esq., co-founder and partner, American Freedom Law Center, and expert on shariah

Rally to protest the Islamic conference in Garland, Texas on 1.17.15
1.14.15 – “AFDI To Hold Stand with Free Speech Demo Outside Stand with the Prophet Conference” – by Pamela Geller — Breitbart —
1.7.15 – “Letter to Garland Independent School Officials” – by Lt. Col. (ret.) Roy White – Truth in Texas Textbooks —
1.14.15 — “No Coincidence: Stand with the Prophet Rally To Be Held in Texas” — by Donna Garner –
Rally to protest Islamic conference in Houston, Texas – 1.18.15