hile we were working last Friday and taking care of our families, the video below shows what was going on down in Austin. Leander ISD Dad- Randy Houchins was stepping up and protecting all of our children. Click photo to hear the Q&A portion of Randy Houchins’ testimony.
Here is Randy Houchins‘ written Testimony to the SBOE (State Board of Education.) http://www.voicesempower.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Randy-Houchins-Testimony-SBOE-Sept.-11-2015.pdf
Here is a little background. What makes Common Core Math so bad? It is all about “Content Standards” VS “Process Standards”. In this audio clip from Sept. 9th, 2015 Dr. Jim Milgram clearly explains the difference between the two.
In the video linked above of Randy Houchins’ HB 743 is mentioned. Below is a Bill Analysis of HB 743.
HB 743 makes changes to state required assessment tests for public school students.
The bill requires that an assessment instrument be determined to be valid and reliable based on empirical evidence by an entity independent of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and test developer before being administered. It also requires TEA to ensure that assessments primarily assess the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) by subject and grade level, and place time limits on the completion of the tests. Additionally, the bill requires a method for auditing and reviewing contractors who develop the assessments.
Texas, our children are being harmed by what is happening behind closed doors in Austin and because of the professional development of teachers provided for by the TEA and the 20 Education Service Centers. Our children are being set up to fail by the state and federal government. Are we just to just going to sit by and let it happen? Or are we going to step up the plate like Leander ISD Dad Randy Houchins is doing and start holding the TEA, TASA and the ESC’s accountable.
Knowledge is Power! Take the Time to listen to the Women On The Wall Communication Team Conference Call: Full Podcast click here: Alice-linahan – Dr-james-milgram-on-the-women-on-the-wall-call-a-failure-in-instruction
Our special guest was Dr. James Milgram. Dr.Milgram is a former NASA mathematician, Stanford math professor, and the only true mathematician to serve on the validation committee for Common Core. He refused to sign off that there was adequate academic legitimacy to Common Core Math. Dr. Milgram clarified what challenge with the Texas Math TEKS. While flawed because of the “Process Standards” at the beginning of each grade level, they do have good “Content Standards” for teachers to work from.
Nakonia Hayes’, author of the book, Saxon Math Warrior, http://saxonmathwarrior.com/ statement on the Women on the Wall interview with Dr. James Milgram.